Our factory was established in 2014. In the California area of the United States, major brands entrust our factory to produce bags. However, due to a production miscalculation, we have too many bags. We had to sell excess bags quickly and at low prices to recoup costs to keep the factory running. Our low-price sales have been recognized and supported by brand companies. Our stock is limited. After the stock is sold out, no longer sell at a low price
On our site, we love every passion and interest on the planet as a reference to your uniqueness. Communicating accurately… is our core vision:
Our promise to you.
Our clients don’t take promises lightly, and neither do we. The four you see here represent our deepest dedication, exploration, and core values. We hope you take them to heart as much as we do.
1. We put authenticity first.
We don’t just mean our handbags, although the certification of our products is essential and comes first in everything we do.
2. When we want something, we go for it.
Most other dealers operate on consignment. This means that when you sell a bag, you won’t receive payment for the item until they sell it. This could really take weeks or even months – if at all.
we love clean design and clear terms. So, for our sellers, we offer full buyouts on almost all items, with payment processing as soon as the item arrives and is verified. For our buyers, we offer a 100% authenticity guarantee, blank period.
3. Consistently best service.
We offer you a variety of ways to buy and sell ultra-luxury items to make your experience even more luxurious. This includes free shipping and free returns (US only, see page for terms). Want to try some but don’t want to commit? We have an updated plan for this. Reserve Luxury Laaway allows you to pay for your purchases in installments so you can buy your must-have bag right away, even if you don’t have enough funds available.
We know that shopping online will leave you wanting to learn more details about future luxury purchases, which is why we have a personal shopper available to answer any questions you may have about a specific item.
4. We value the uniqueness of people, things and perspectives.
Without a depth and range of perspectives, backgrounds, experiences and trees, there is no art – and indeed no fashion.
As our founders themselves put it, “The more diversity we share—in viewpoints, race, color, culture, sexuality, religion, and all facets of life, the better our products and our ability to serve our diverse client base.”
Based on these values, we can proudly say that our employees are a highly diverse group of talents. Their presence makes our teams better, more creative and culturally diverse, and more aligned with the people we serve.
Like everyone (regardless of their differences), our entire team is always growing, learning and improving. We actively seek ways to better serve our customers and communities, especially those who have been historically underserved. If you have any questions or concerns about any topic, we are here.
So, whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got it covered. If not, please contact us and let us know so we can negotiate or generate the best price for you right away. We are willing and willing to serve you for a lifetime here.
Whatever you need is on our website.
Our mission is to help you find luxury handbags and accessories that fit your personal style. We find the most coveted and hard-to-find accessories so you don’t have to. Gone are the days of chasing sold out handbags, endless waiting lists and “playing the game” at your favorite luxury brands. From rare Hermès handbags. We have curated the most complete inventory of accessories, we specialize in your favorite Hermès Birkin, Kelly, Louis Vuitton and Dior Gucci handbags. When you are looking for your next designer handbag, gift or investment piece, our goal is to be your trusted advisor in finding authentic luxury designer handbags that match your well-deserved style and sophistication. Move forward with confidence. Be bold. Be expressive. Be yourself.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible shopping experience. Our customer service team is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. We are constantly expanding our product selection to include new and exciting products. We also offer free shipping on orders over $100.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about us, and we hope that you will consider us next time you are in the market for a new handbag or pair of sneakers!Thank you for taking the time to learn about us, and we hope that you will consider us next time you are in the market for a new handbag or pair of sneakers!
If you have any questions about the website,please feel free to contact us via:
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +44 7707108970