Timeless Flap Bag In Grain De Poudre Embossed Leather, Featuring Chevron And Diamond Quilt Overstitching.
Versatile Bag With An Adjustable Sliding Chain.
Chrome And Metal-Free Tanned Leather
Grosgrain Lining
Matte Black Brass Hardware
One Exterior Back Pocket
Magnetic Snap Tab
One Interior Slot Pocket
Dimensions: 9.4 X 6.9 X 2.3 Inches
Chain Length: 11.8 To 20.4 Inches
Calfskin Leather
Style Id 600185bow981000
Made In Italy
* There may be a slight difference in the tone of colours depending on the resolution of your monitor.
* Do note that there may be a 1-2cm difference in measurements depending on how the item is measured and workmanship.
The package comes with original dust bag and instruction manual, etc.
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 businness day shipping time in total. All orders will be shipped out within 48 hours.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
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